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Miss Holly Adams

Miss Adams is our Access and Inclusion Lead (SENDCO), Designated Teacher for Children Looked After (CLA) and Children Previously Looked After (CPLA).

You can contact Miss Adam's directly using the contact form on our website.

At Arrow Valley First School, we aim for all children to receive high quality class teaching. This teaching considers the needs of all individual learners within the classroom, through careful pitching and matching of teaching approaches and activities. 

However, we accept that some children may be at risk of not making the required amount of progress either academically, emotionally, socially or physically.  We have procedures in place to quickly identify, plan, implement and review a child’s progress so that they are enabled to succeed. We use a graduated approach to quickly identify, plan and implement strategies to meet an individual’s needs:

  1. Assessing needs

  2. Plan

  3. Do

  4. Review

Waves of Support

A child’s needs are met using 3 levels of intervention which are often described as “Waves of Support” to help them access to the curriculum.

Wave 1: High quality class teaching, focused on pitch and match for all pupils within an inclusive learning environment.
Wave 2: Specific, time-limited interventions provided for some pupils who need support to accelerate their progress, usually within a group situation. This support is reviewed at regular intervals and changed or modified accordingly.
Wave 3: Highly tailored interventions to support a minority of pupils to accelerate their progress. This category is called ‘SEN Support.’ These children may have more complex needs, and may not make adequate progress (socially, emotionally or academically) despite receiving interventions over a period of time. Children at Wave 3 receive a My Plan with clear targets, which are reviewed regularly.

You will find more information within the SEND information report below or via our policies page.

Worcestershire Local Offer

SEND Local Offer Information and advice for children and young adults with disabilities and learning needs Our Local Offer provides information about provision families can expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have Special Educational Need (SEN) or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans.  

You can find out about resources, services, support, activities and events here. Every Local Authority has to work with children and young people, parent carers and professionals to make sure that everything that's included on the Local Offer website makes sense and is helpful and relevant. This is an on-going process so things will change again over time as needed.

If you want to send us your thoughts and feedback on the Local Offer please email

Worcestershire SEND Local Offer


ADHD Support

If you suspect your child has ADHD please ensure you speak to us and your GP. Your GP will be able to refer you to specialist assessment as necessary.  


Autism Support

Herefordshire and Worcestershire ICB have commissioned Autism West Midlands to deliver online training for parent carers who have a child on the assessment pathway or who has an ASD diagnosis.  Click the link below to register.




Change for Life


Dyslexia Support

While dyslexia is a lifelong need, there are range of specialist educational interventions that can help children with their reading and writing.

These interventions are generally most effective if they're started at a young age. The type and extent of intervention needed will depend on your child's difficulties. 



Help Kidz Learn


HelpKidzLearn is a collection of software for young children and those with learning difficulties to play online.

Help Kidz Learn


KIDS: Giving disabled children a brighter future

KIDS charity enables children with disabilities and their families to enjoy their lives more fully.



SENDIASS: SEND Information, Advice and Support Service

SENDIASS have a dedicated team of advisors offering legally-based and easily accessible information and advice about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

They support parents, carers, children and young people with SEND and provide an impartial and confidential service.





The Makaton Charity uses signs, symbols and speech to help people communicate.



Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support

All children can struggle at times with to understand and manage their emotions.

Please discuss any concerns you have with your child's teacher. We will be able to refer for additional support when required.

These books are really useful if your child is experiencing anger or anxiety - there are quite a few pages, so best to print them out a little at a time.



  • ELSA (Supporting Social and Emotional Learning)



Speech and Language Support

If your child has difficulties with speech and language here are some tips to try:

  • Model correct speech through being a good role model rather than correcting - repeat back to them what they have said correctly and clearly.

  • Use simple language.

  • Give instructions in small chunks.

  • Play turn taking games to help develop your child's social language skills.

  • If your child has been assessed by a speech and language therapist ensure that you work on targets at home

NHS Hereford and Worcestershire Speech and Language

The Communication Trust

Papunet - Papunet is a website with information on speech disability and different means of communication: plain language and AAC methods (pictures, signs and bliss symbolics)


To contact our SEND team, please use the contact form below:

Please select the team or individual you wish to contact:*





Contact Us

Arrow Valley First School CRST,
Colts Lane,
B98 0LH

01527 528 111